This article applies to user accounts created after April 27, 2022. Before you can access many SU sites and resources, you will need to activate your SUNet account. This process includes verifying your identity, reviewing our Terms of Use, entering in your personal information for recovering your account should you forget it, and setting your SUNet account password.
Activating Your SUNet Account
1. After receiving an activation email from, follow the instructions and use the included link to begin activating your account.
2. Enter your Username and Authorization Code exactly as they appear in the email and click SUBMIT.

3. Review the Terms of Use and click ACCEPT.

4. Review your User Details and note the User ID. It is important to remember this User ID as you will need it to log in to SU sites and resources such as Hornet Hub, Canvas, and others. Click NEXT to continue.

5. Update your personal information, including a phone number and a non-SU email address that you have access to (it should not be your parent's or guardian's email address). These will be used should you need to reset your password.

6. Create your SUNet account password. Your password must be at least 12 characters and meet the other criteria presented on the screen. Once you have entered a password, click RESET PASSWORD.

Your SUNet account is now activated and can be used to log in to various SU sites and resources.
If you have any problems activating your account, don't hesitate to get in touch with the IT Help Desk at 540-665-5555 or