Starting April 4, 2024, requests for support related to classroom and meeting space AV technology and campus events will go through the IT Help Desk. Use the following channels to request assistance:
Phone: 540-665-5555
NOTE: If you’re at one of our satellite locations, such as Loudoun, ICPH Fairfax, or Health Professions Building, your onsite support staff are still there and ready to assist!
We have also added a new button to the "Quick Links" section on the Help Desk website to provide an easy way to report a classroom technology issue.
This change is aimed at providing you with a familiar way to contact us for any assistance you may need with computer issues, classroom AV technology, or event support.
Additionally, our Academic Computing Technology team has been renamed to Audio Video Services to better represent the services provided by the group.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
IT Help Desk