SU Email Address Visibility


Information about Virginia Code § 23.1-405(C) and email visibility


About Virginia Code § 23.1-405(C)

Virginia Code § 23.1-405(C) prohibits a private Virginia-based university from disclosing a student’s email address, physical address or telephone number under the exception in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for directory information unless (a) the disclosure is to students enrolled in the institution for educational purposes or institution business and the student has not opted out of such disclosure in accordance with this subsection and institution policy or (b) the student has affirmatively consented in writing to such disclosure except as required by state or federal law. 

To better protect student privacy, Shenandoah has removed all student information from the public directory so that students are not able to find eachother's contact information in Google.  If you are a student who would like to share your email address with other students, you may opt in by completing the following steps:

  1. Go the the following Google Group – SU_Public_Directory

  2. Once there click on Join Group

  3. On the box that pops up, click Join this Group.

  4. Click Save

Directory information may take up to 4 days to show up in the directory. Students that wish to leave the group can follow this same process, but instead click Leave Group.



Article ID: 133748
Fri 8/6/21 12:23 PM
Wed 10/6/21 4:29 PM