Office 365

What is it?

Microsoft Office 365 provides eligible students, faculty, and staff with the most commonly used Office apps for MacOS and Windows. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote are all included in Office 365.

Who can use it?

Eligible full-time faculty, staff, and students

Where can I access this service?

The Office 365 apps are available for Mac, Windows, and iPad.

To install the Office 365 apps on your computer, follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Click sign in.

3. Enter your SU email and click next.

4. Enter your SUNet password (the same password used for WebAdvisor, Canvas) and click sign in.

5. In the top-right corner click Install office.

6. In the following drop down menu click Office 365 and the installer will be downloaded to your computer.

7. Once downloaded, walk through the installer prompts to install.

To install the Office 365 apps on your iPad:

  1. On your iPad, visit Microsoft Office on the App Store

  2. If prompted to login, login with your Apple ID and password

  3. Click Get

  4. Once downloaded and installed, make sure to login to the Office app with your SUNet username and password


For issues or general support, click the Request Support button located to the upper right

Request Support


Service ID: 50539
Tue 7/13/21 11:33 AM
Tue 7/13/21 11:33 AM